Modified from a recipe in Quick and Easy Thai by Nancy McDermott
In a medium saucepan over high heat, bring the coconut milk to a boil and stir well. Reduce heat to medium and add the curry paste. Simmer gently for 3 minutes, stirring often and pressing to dissolve the paste and make a smooth sauce. Add the tuna, broth, peas, fish sauce and brown sugar and stir to mix well. Simmer for 3-4 minutes.
Yields about 3 cups of liquid. Split this evenly between two oiled trays and dehydrate at 135 degrees until completely dry, at least overnight.
When dry, bag two meals. For each meal, combine the contents of one tray with 1 cup instant white rice in a quart freezer bag.
To serve, cover with 1 1/3 cup near-boiling water and simmer in a cozy for 15-20 minutes. If you are cooking at altitude, make sure that your water comes to a rolling boil before pouring it into the bag. You may also need to simmer the food for slightly longer.